miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2022

How to acquire and maintain healthy habits?

 How to acquire and maintain healthy habits?

A habit is a habit acquired by the frequency of repetition of an act or, in other words, it is a behavior that is performed automatically and effortlessly. So a healthy habit, are those activities that help you improve your physical, mental, emotional and social health. Learning and maintaining a habit can be difficult if it has not been incorporated into the daily routine. There are times when you intend to start a new habit, you acquire everything you need to achieve it, but, when the time comes, some obstacles appear that cause you to keep it for a short time or prevent you from achieving it.

How to acquire and maintanin healthy habits

 Steps to acquire and maintain healthy habits

Identify the healthy habit to achieve. Brainstorm and choose a habit that you want to incorporate or change. Create a plan B with alternatives that you can do, in case you feel that you cannot start and maintain a new habit, Set reminders and warnings. Set alarms or notes to remember the chosen habit.  When you see that you have managed to integrate a habit and/or maintain it for a certain period of time, you can have prize options to reward all the effort made. Always remember to give yourself time so that the habit you want to acquire becomes part of you.

martes, 22 de marzo de 2022

What is healthy for an elderly person?

 What is healthy for an elderly person?

Eat foods that give you lots of nutrients without too many extra calories, like: Fruits and vegetables (choose different kinds with bright colors) Whole grains, like oatmeal, whole-wheat bread, and brown rice. Skim milk and low-fat cheese, or rice or soy milk fortified with vitamin D and calcium.

lunes, 21 de marzo de 2022

What is healthy for a teenager?

 What is healthy for a teenager?

Eat fruits and vegetables as snacks. Reduce the use of butter and heavy sauces. Eat more chicken and fish. Limit your intake of red meat and choose lean cuts whenever possible.

What is healthy for a teenager?

domingo, 20 de marzo de 2022

How can I maintain healthy habits?

How can I maintain healthy habits?

Follow a healthy and balanced diet.

Control your weight. 

Decrease salt intake.

Sleep enough hours

Try to reduce stress.

Get regular physical activity. 

Avoid tobacco use.

Expose yourself to the sun daily.

sábado, 19 de marzo de 2022

What is a healthy habit?

 Healthy habits

We call healthy habits all those conducts and behavior that we have assumed as our own and that practically affect our physical, mental and social well-being. We are not born with our good or bad habits built in.

viernes, 18 de marzo de 2022

Healthy Habits for childrens

Healthy Habits for childrens 

 7 Healthy Habits to Teach Your Kids

Keep it positive.

Limit screen time. 

  • Read with your child every day. 

  • Healthy Habits for childrens
  • Make meals a colorful collage. 

  • Eat breakfast. 

  • Enjoy physical activities. 

  • Read food labels.

jueves, 17 de marzo de 2022

Why it is good to have health habits?

Why it is good to have health habits?

It mainly carriesphysiological benefits, since it reduces the risk of developing certain diseases; helps control overweight, obesity and body fat percentage. In turn, it strenthens our benes, muscles and improve our fitness.

miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2022

10 healthy habits

 10 healthy habits

We put together 10 habits that could positively change your life:

improve your diet

Always seek to maintain a balanced diet, adequately ingesting carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and vitamins.

Avoid saturated fats present in mayonnaise and butter. Better choose healthy unsaturated fats such as those contained in avocado, fish, certain nuts and certain vegetable oils such as olive oil.

Gradually increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables, especially those rich in vitamins and antioxidants such as spinach, beets, carrots, tomatoes, onions, apples, raspberries, grapes, among many others.

Buy high-protein, low-fat meats like sirloin, tenderloin, salmon, trout, skinless chicken and turkey.

Limit high-glycemic carbohydrates like cakes and candy, as they are associated with weight gain and tooth decay. Other carbohydrates such as rice and certain whole grains can be ideal in a good diet.

It is also important to increase your fiber intake, especially if you suffer from constipation. Your allies are whole grains, oatmeal and fruits like bananas.

Limit salt, don't eliminate it. This has important ions that prevent diseases such as goiter. Similarly, do not get used to very salty foods, your blood pressure will thank us in the future.

Remember that in special moments such as meetings or birthdays, you can eat a piece of cake or some hamburgers, the important thing is that this is not repeated daily and you develop bad eating habits.

sleep 7-8 hours

Take your time to recharge your batteries and don't let work stress or anxiety disturb your sleep. Sleep is essential to start a new day.

Try before going to bed to do something that makes you happy or relaxes you, it could be from a hot bath to watching videos that make you laugh. Do the exercise of listening to relaxing music before going to sleep and being grateful for the day that has just passed, remembering that tomorrow is a new day with endless opportunities.

drink more water

We are usually so busy working, studying or doing something that we are passionate about, that we forget when was the last time we drank water, was it 2 hours ago? Was it this morning?

Remember that on average we should drink about 5 glasses of water to maintain good health. Water aids in digestion and prevents constipation, promotes beautiful skin, and is needed by the kidneys to dilute waste from the body (urine). Drinking little water a day increases the risk of digestive and kidney diseases.

An interesting exercise to reinforce this habit can be to drink a glass of water before doing something important in the day. Before preparing breakfast, before preparing lunch, before taking your dog for a walk and so on until you have at least 4 glasses a day. Also try to always have a container of water on hand when you leave the house.

lunes, 14 de marzo de 2022



  • Have Breakfast (Has many good reasons)

  • Plan Your Meals (It'll help you save time and money and time)

  • Drink Plenty of Water (So your body can work well)

  • Take an Exercise Break (So you can get stronger and your body gets more oxygen)

  • Go Offline (To many time in the screen is bad for your body and mind)

  • Learn Something New (Learning something interesting makes your mind busy in good things)

  • Don't Smoke (It is an addiction, bad for your lungs, organs and it hurts the environment)

  • Sleep Well!!! 

miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2022

Healthy Habits



1-Get regular exercise and control your weight.

2-No Smoking. 

3-DO NOT drink a lot of alcohol and avoid it completely if you have a history of alcoholism.

4-Use medications prescribed by your health care provider as directed. 

5-Eat a healthy and balanced diet

How to acquire and maintain healthy habits?

 How to acquire and maintain healthy habits? A habit is a habit acquired by the frequency of repetition of an act or, in other words, it is ...